

React Portfolio


Designed and developed my personal portfolio using ReactJS and threeJS to add fancy animations to the background elements.



In the context of the "Certified Tech Developer" program at DigitalHouse, we developed a lodging reservation website as a team of 5, using SCRUM methodologies. We used React & JavaScript Vanlilla in the front-end, while for the back-end, we used Java with SpringBoot, Maven, and JPA. The site was hosted on an AWS EC2 instance and work with gitlab CI/CD for continius integration. This website allows users to book and/or manage accommodations based on assigned roles. In this way, we achieved a user-friendly website that provides an excellent user experience.


I'm Damian Dell'Acqua, a passionate full-stack developer with a love for design, innovation, and challenges. My mission is to help you give visibility to your product by creating an innovative, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing website that can take your business to the next level.

Send me a message.
